Is it permitted using Inland ECDIS in navigation mode?

Yes, although Inland ECDIS device in navigation mode is accepted to fulfill the obligation of equipment with Inland ECDIS device in information mode or comparable electronic chart display systems, it is recommended to have beside the Inland ECDIS device in navigation mode an additional and separate Inland ECDIS device in information mode or a comparable device for displaying electronic charts. to prevent switching between different ranges in navigation mode.

Operation of Inland ECDIS device in information mode

In the information mode, an Inland ECDIS device acts as an electronic atlas and serves to guide and to provide information about the waterway.

Inland ECDIS in information mode is typically used in ranges of 2 000 m and more. When connected to a positioning sensor the chart picture can be adjusted automatically in a way that the vessel's own position is fixed in the centre of the screen. It is also possible to display other vessels, which are equipped with Inland AIS device, if the application is connected to an Inland AIS device.

Inland ECDIS device are destined for the information mode only, the requirements of the Inland ECDIS Standard are to be understood as a recommendation. Only the minimum requirements defined in the CCNR resolution 2014-I-12 apply.

It is not mandatory that a comparable device for displaying electronic charts has the above-mentioned functions,

Operation of Inland ECDIS device in navigation mode

Navigation mode means the use of the Inland ECDIS device for conning the vessel by using radar and underlaid chart image (Inland ENC).

Inland ECDIS equipment being able to operate in the navigation mode means radar equipment as defined by the regulations concerning the minimum requirements and test conditions for radar installations used for Rhine navigation and requires type approval. The vessel’s position must be derived from a continuous positioning system whose accuracy is consistent with the requirements of safe navigation.

Anyone, who uses an Inland ECDIS device in the navigation mode, must have a radar license.

Inland ECDIS in navigation mode shall be operated in an appropriate radar range (on the Rhine: typically, 800 m / 1 200 m).

Last updated