On the Rhine, what are the minimum requirements for electronic chart display systems?
CCNR passed resolution 2013-II-16 making it compulsory to possess and use the Inland AIS device with effect from 1st December 2014.
Minimum requirements to be complied with have been defined so as to ensure correct operation of the Inland ECDIS device in information mode or a comparable electronic chart display device. Recommendations have been drawn up by way of addition.
The minimum requirements for electronic chart display system were adopted by Resolution 2014-I-12.
The document contains minimum requirements for the use, the display of information and the software:
Minimum Requirements
Electronic charts for inland navigation must accurately replicate the contours of the river and the navigable channel and must be based on the official inland navigation electronic charts.
- Electronic charts for inland navigation must be saved in the display system on board the vessel.
It is recommended that the most recent Electronic Navigational Chart be used.
Electronic chart Display
- Electronic chart display devices must be connected to the Inland AIS device by a reliable cable connection.
- When the vessel is underway, devices must be exclusively dedicated to displaying electronic inland navigation charts.
- The information displayed must be readily visible from the conning position.
- The electronic chart display system should comply with the requirements of the Inland ECDIS system for navigation mode.
- If the vessel is equipped with an Inland ECDIS device in navigation mode it is
recommended that an additional and separate electronic chart display system be used for information mode.
- The software must display the vessel's current and correct position on the electronic chart for inland navigation.
- The software must display on the electronic chart for inland navigation the other vessel's current and correct position.
- For a given vessel, the software must display the detailed list of AIS information in accordance with article 4.07(4) of the Police Regulations for the Navigation of the Rhine.
- The electronic chart display software for inland navigation should comply with current Inland ECDIS navigation mode requirements.
- The electronic chart display software for inland navigation should orientate the chart such that the vessel follows the axis of the waterway.
Remark : Inland ECDIS in navigation mode means that the device is connected to a radar system, which limits the range, unless one continuously switches over while navigating, which is not desirable either.
Last updated